On this page we detail the tips and tricks to be able to give your vehicle the best chance of passing through New Zealand’s strict Bio-Security laws.⋯.
How to Prepare you Vehicle for shipping Depending on your circumstances it can be difficult to have your vehicle cleaned for shipping to New Zealand.⋯.
Carnet Documents are an awesome tool for short cutting the customs clearance process in all the countries that they are valid in which totals some 78 countries around the world. Since the start of the 20th Century the idea of easy temporary admission of goods⋯.
If you are shipping via a container you need to know how much product you can get into a container or even if your cargo will fit in a container. Often overlooked when purchasing large items such as caravans or vehicles is will it fit⋯.
Rocket freight is a full licensed customs controlled area and can hold your goods in store without customs clearance this can save thousands by removing the containers off the wharf where they would otherwise occur demurrage fees which can be up to $200.00 per day⋯.
The Documentation required to obtain a Concessionary Entry also known to people as the GST Exemption with New Zealand Customs on your vehicle can be quite complex if your case is difficult however below is a guide to what documentation you should have available to⋯.
Inco terms are a set of codes that outline and specify the terms of transport on a purchase of goods between buyer and seller specifically what the buyer pays for and what the seller pays for in regards to the transportation of the goods from⋯.
The ministry for primary industries is a mega government organization with many responsibilities and one of them is enforcing controlled exports and imports to New Zealand. MPI and the relevant legislation governing your commodity type can be some of the hardest things to overcome in⋯.
There are many aspects to think about when packaging your goods for overseas transport, The team at Rocket have been sending goods around the world for 20+ years and have seen what can happen if goods are not packaged correctly.⋯.
Every kiwi loves a bargain and you only have to look over the ditch to realise there are some deals to be had. With such a difference in our markets the keen investor can be sure to realise a profit by investing in the right⋯.
Sometimes the needs arises to temporarily export goods from new Zealand its important that you do this in the correct way and rocket freight can assist you with this process from start to finish often if you get this wrong then you may get charged⋯.