Shipping dangerous goods is hard work, and many forwarders won’t handle them due to the many shipping restrictions that are in place.
We can help with DGs, whether it be by air or sea.
Anything that can cause harm to people, property, or the environment.
There are 9 different classes of DGS, each with it’s own division, and packaging requirement.
Any dangerous goods that you wish to send require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), specially designed, tested and manufactured DG rated packaging, and specific individual labelling for each package.
You also need a dangerous goods declaration signed off by the shipper before you are able to apply for a booking.
Loading any dangerous goods into a shipping container means that the whole container is then considered dangerous, and the charges increase substantially as a result.
In addition to this, in many countries export permits are required for Dangerous goods exports. As an example, any batteries that are shipping from China require an export licence in order to be able to export. In some cases we can purchase this export licence on your suppliers behalf, but often if your supplier is unable to provide this it may be unsafe for shipping or purchase. This is something you should try to find out before buying your products.
There are large penalties for mis-declaration or incorrect labelling and documentation, so it is very important that you and your supplier get this right.
If your supplier is unable to provide the correct documentation and labelling, we here at Rocket Freight are able to use our worldwide network to get it packed, labelled, and on it’s way in no time.
Reach out to the team today and we can advise you on your responsibilities for Dangerous Goods.